water monitoring case study in San Francisco

Case Study: Low Rise Value Add Apartments

Below are two case studies from customers with lowrise, value-add apartments based around the Bay Area.

We deployed water monitors that actively monitored the building water usage and alerts the owners whenever a leak was detected.

Customer 1

Multifamily buildings with between 24 and 88 units per building. Most buildings only required one water monitor, some required 2.

24 Buildings:

3 buildings had leaks over $1000/month

8 buildings had leaks between $100-$1000/month

2 buildings had leaks less than $100/month leaks

11 building with no leaks. 

Total leaks: 345,000 gallons/month or $11,040/month 

ROI < 2 months

Customer 2

Multifamily building with between 9 and 20 units (generally smaller than customer 1).

27 Buildings:

2 buildings had leaks over $1000/month leaks

5 buildings had leaks between $100-$1000/month

10 with no leaks

Total Leaks: 159,000 gallons/month or $5,100/month

ROI < 2 months


$0.032/gallon cost of water + sewer in San Francisco.

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